Managed I.T. Service Provider

What is a Managed i.t. Service Provider?

A Managed I.T. Service Provider, or MSP, is a company that remotely manages a customer's IT infrastructure and/or end-user systems, typically on a proactive basis and under a subscription model.

How would my business benefit from Managed IT Services?

Major benefits proven with Let Juan Fix It's IT Support & Managed IT Services include:

  • Reduced Annutal IT Costs, up to 30%

  • Improve network performance and access

  • Improve employee satisfaction with IT Services and Support

  • Ensure continuity in IT support personnel and structure

  • Receive peace of mind in knowing that a true expert is managing your IT environtment

Can you recommend or purchase hardware and software for me?

Absolutely. I usually meet or beat advertised prices on hardware and software from competitors. I'm also always happy to offer unbiased product recommendations based on my own experience.

We're always losing files and spending hours
looking for them, can you help with that?

You bet. That's one of the things I do for our IT Managed Services clients. I can help you to ensure your data turns into information and is used to help you manage your business better!

Our office computers are running slowly, can you help with that?

Absolutely! Making sure your entire IT environment is running efficiently is what I do best! And, once I have your systems in top shape, my monitoring and maintenance service will keep it that way!

How can I get more information and get started

with your consulting IT Consulting Services?

You can call, text, or email me.
Call or text me at (954) 866-4335
Email me at